Mediation is a private, confidential procedure wherein a third party known as a “Mediator” has the duty to assist the parties in resolving their legal issues. Let Timpa Law help you settle your disputes fairly and impartially.
Mediation is a private, confidential procedure wherein a third party known as a “Mediator” has the duty to assist the parties in resolving their legal issues. A mediator does not represent either party and is charged with the duty of remaining neutral during the mediation process. Further, a mediator does not have the authority to impose a resolution, but acts a facilitator to achieve a settlement agreement for the parties. In the area of family law, many courts will order the parties to attend mediation prior to the parties spending their time and money trying the issues in their lawsuit.
Many times, attorneys will recommend mediation to their clients as a means of resolving their family law issues, even in the absence of a court order, because seasoned attorneys know that many family law disputes can be settled in mediation. In the event that parties reach a settlement agreement in mediation, they are able to avoid the emotional turmoil that comes with proceeding to trial as a litigant in a lawsuit.
Timpa Law Office has handled many mediations and can help you evaluate when and under what circumstances mediation may be most helpful to you.